Body Weight Workouts

Cool workouts for your abs, core, and lower back

Wall Sit May 15, 2007

Filed under: core exercise,cycling,exercise,glutes,hamstrings,legs,running,skiing,workout,yoga — Finn @ 9:12 pm

Stand about 2 feet away from a wall, with your back facing the wall.

Wall Sit (1)

Slowly lower yourself into a “seated” position with your back against the wall and your knees bent at about a 90 degree angle.  Just hold that position.

Wall Sit (2)

You can start doing “reps” where you hold the pose for 30 seconds. Gradually work your way to holding the pose for 5 minutes or more!

Works your quads for running and cycling and especially skiing and sailing.


12 Responses to “Wall Sit”

  1. george Says:

    the guy in this wallsit picture is cheating,
    He should be at a 90 degree angle. I could hold his pose all day long. I’m so disapointed in your website.

  2. kate Says:

    dude, who cares?

  3. Levi Says:

    George, his knees are bent at about a 90 degree angle, and that’s what matters in this pose. Foot placement can be near or far from the wall – in this case his feet are close to the wall, so lowering his back would actually be bad for his knees.

    Although yes, it does appear he’d be better off with his feet further from the wall.

  4. travis Says:

    george is right. you guys are clueless.

    if knees being bent at 90 degrees was all that matters then he should be able to get a great workout kneeling down with his knees on the floor.

  5. bodyweightworkout Says:


    I am humbled that someone as strong as yourself took time away from your busy workout schedule to post a comment on my blog.


    Ya I could of used a better picture in this case, but I’m not a pro self-photographer.


    Apparently you missed the first line “Stand about 2 feet away from a wall…”

    Standing and kneeling down are quite different.

  6. […] Wall sits are amazing an building endurance in the legs. Skiiers are often told to do them daily as they emulate the position and tension created through skiing and snowboarding. They also do a darn good job of building your quads. As far as Static holds go Planks have received so much good press recently I am surprised these have been left in the shadows. They do a superb job of building your core and developing endurance in the legs. […]

  7. […] Wall sits are amazing an building endurance in the legs. Skiers are often told to do them daily as they emulate the position and tension created through skiing and snowboarding. They also do a darn good job of building your quads. As far as Static holds go Planks have received so much good press recently I am surprised these have been left in the shadows. They do a superb job of building your core and developing endurance in the legs. […]

  8. Chris Watson Says:

    This exercise is a killer. We used to do this at school and it burns

  9. John Branum Says:

    You should have your body weight shifted to your heels and not your toes with a straight line bisecting your ankles and knees.

  10. Bill Says:

    Yeah, these really burn your legs.

  11. Jon Says:

    Wall sits are excellent. Thank you for the blog on them. They are invaluable when getting ready for ski season.

  12. Boxingman Says:

    Great exercise for building up those slow twitch fibres in the quads!

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