Body Weight Workouts

Cool workouts for your abs, core, and lower back

Supermans May 19, 2007

Filed under: abdominal workout,abs,core exercise,exercise,lower back exercise — Finn @ 2:21 pm

Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs stretched out. (Just like Superman when he flies through the air!)

Superman (1)

Lift your arms and legs off the ground a few inches, hold 3 seconds, and then lower to the starting position.

Superman (2)

Repeat about 20 times. If you’re up to it, do 3 sets of 20 reps.


Reverse Crunch May 17, 2007

Filed under: abdominal workout,abs,core exercise,exercise,lower back exercise,workout — Finn @ 9:15 pm

Lie on your back with your hands at your sides and your knees bent (almost like a regular abdominal crunch.) But in this one, bring your knees slightly up and toward your head (so your feet are in the air.)

Reverse Crunch (1)

Use your abs to lift your legs up until your hips come up slightly off the floor. Hold for one second and repeat.

Be sure to remain stable. Don’t use momentum to rock back and forth.

Reverse Crunch (2)

Repeat for 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps.